How Long will This Cold Last?

The common cold may be “common,” but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating! When you have little kiddos, it may feel like they are always sick, particularly in the winter months, and this is partially true. Kids can get approximately 6-8 colds/year, especially in the pre-school stages as their immune systems are developing and constantly being tested. So, the occasional sniffle and cough is completely normal!

In an effort to explore the world, children, especially babies, put objects in their mouths, increasing their exposure to all types of germs. Even though it may seem yucky, It is actually a good thing for your children to have this type of exposure, as it’s allowing their immune system to develop its big strong muscles for protection against other illnesses.  

KEY TIP: The immune system has to be exposed to things in order to learn and evolve. It will take time and multiple exposures for your baby's immune system to get stronger.

Keeping Your Children Healthy

It’s important to be proactive against illness within your home. Sanitization is important, however, overly sanitizing your child’s environments may hinder them from building strong resilient immune systems. Be sure to find a good balance between the two. You will find what feels right for your family over time. I also remind families to make sure they are using safe and effective cleansers in their home such as Branch Basics; a homemade solution of white vinegar mixed with lemon or Thieves essential oils and warm water also does wonders!

Hand-washing is extremely valuable in keeping children healthy. Teaching them how to cover their face while coughing or sneezing will also positively impact their hygiene skills as well as reduce the spread of germs within your household.

Management And Treatment

The first signs of a cold most commonly includes fatigue, a runny nose, cough, congestion or sore throat. As the illness progresses your child may experience, fever, irritability and decreased appetite. Again, as long as your child is well appearing there is no need to worry as their immune systems are well equipped to help ward of most illnesses. There are some things that parents can do to help keep their child more comfortable such as allowing them to rest, providing adequate hydration with water, broths, electrolyte beverages (my favorite is Kinderlyte), herbal teas (hibiscus and nettle are great). It’s okay if your child is no feeling hungry at this time as they are healing. Suctioning with nasal saline will help your little one breathe easier. For breastfeeding moms, applying a little breast milk inside of the nose is also helpful! There are also some over the counter remedies and supplements that may be helpful for managing symptoms.

KEY TIP: Of course, if there are any signs of respiratory distress, persistently elevated fever (if fever of 100.4 F and above in a child 3 months or younger, contact your pediatrician immediately) or if your mommy spidey senses are alarming, please consult with your child’s pediatrician or call 9-1-1 in light of an emergency.

CHECK IT OUT:  Browse my supplement store, to view and purchase some of my favorite immune system boosters and cold management supplements (look under my favorites)

So, how long will this last?

Viral illness are quite contagious, and the germs can be spread through interpersonal contact, contaminated surfaces, and the air via droplets. Symptoms of a cold tend to begin about 2 to 3 days after exposure to the virus particles. Most of the time, a cold lasts a week or so, anywhere from 5 to 7 days. Sometimes, it may last longer, closer to 10 to 14 days. If your child is continuing to have symptoms beyond the 14-day mark or they got better and all of a sudden are developing worsening symptoms, please check in with your pediatrician to make sure there is no bacterial infection that needs to be treated. Good hand hygiene, avoiding contact with other sick individuals and immune system boosters  are all helpful tools to facilitate a speedy recovery.

Trust Your Instincts

It can be stressful when your child is sick. As a parent, you want to do whatever you can to ensure your children are happy and healthy. No one wants their child to feel poorly, of course, and it can be hard to stay calm and patient as you support their care. If you're especially concerned about your child's cold or overall health, or if at-home remedies and treatments aren't working, be sure to consult your pediatrician; that's what they're there for. Trust your instincts, stay calm and aware, and you will all get through this!


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