General Safety Tips | Summertime Blog Series


It’s so important to stay hydrated while outside in the heat! It’s a good idea to have a water bottle for each family member. Reusable gallon water jugs (preferably stainless steel or sturdy BPA-free plastic) are excellent for long days at the beach, pool, or outdoors; as you can use the jug to refill each individual’s water bottle throughout the day. Contact your pediatrician if there are any signs or symptoms of heat exhaustion.

Insect Protection

Protect against bug bites by utilizing citronella candles, or by wearing an insect repellent with DEET on exposed skin. Insect repellents are not recommended for children younger than 2 months of age. Instead, parents should use mosquito netting over baby carriers or strollers. Use hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to soothe bug bites if they occur. (You can also use the Bug Bite Thing which is a super cool way to heal bug bites!). Additional protective measures include, wearing loose-fitting, long-sleeve clothing in neutral colors. Wearing socks and shoes instead of sandals. Staying inside early in the morning and at dusk when bugs are the worst.

There can be additional challenges and hurdles during the summer months when it comes to staying safe, but knowing some helpful tips can help you have your best summer yet! Having increased awareness is key as a parent. We hope these tips will be helpful in cultivating a safe and fun summer for your whole family.


Water Safety | Summertime Blog Series