Water Safety | Summertime Blog Series

Remember to stay safe around the pool and other bodies of water.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER in this situation!


There are many ways to remember to stay safe around the pool and other bodies of water.

  • Stay within arm’s reach whenever your child is near water.

  • For homes with a pool, a 4-sided fence completely surrounding the pool is ideal.

  • Make sure your children walk instead of run while navigating around the pool. Running around the pool deck could cause anyone to slip and fall.

Children really benefit from hearing explanations as to why certain rules exist instead of just being told what the rules are. If they understand why walking around the pool is necessary, they may be more likely to remember to follow it themselves.

Remember, never leave your child alone or in the care of another child while in or near bathtubs, pools, or other bodies of water.

Drowning is the single leading cause of injury-related death in children ages 1-4.

It’s important for there to be a constant “water watcher” amongst the adults. A water watcher is a designated adult who carefully watches the children while in the water, without being distracted by other tasks, to ensure everyone’s safety. Having more than one water watcher is ideal, especially if multiple children are swimming at once.  

Encourage taking breaks throughout your swimming time! Swimming is so fun for children, but it requires a great deal of exertion. Taking breaks ensures everyone’s minds and bodies are sharp.

If you'll be spending any time on a boat this summer, make sure your child has a life jacket to wear. Hopefully, they'll never be in a situation where they must rely on it, however, it's always better to be over-prepared when it comes to your child’s safety.

REMEMBER: If developmentally ready, swimming lessons for children at around age 1 are beneficial and serve as a protective factor.

Don’t forget to have fun, make memories, and take pictures. “Spending time with your children is something you will never regret.”

If you have any other questions regarding water safety, you can always contact your pediatrician. We are here to help!


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