Post Nasal Drip

Do you constantly feel the need to clear your throat? Or have that nagging cough that is keeping you up all night? There is a good chance you have Postnasal drip.


Caused by various factors such as allergies, infections, or even changes in weather; postnasal drip is a condition in which excess mucus accumulates in the back of the throat. This can lead to symptoms such as: sore throat, bad breath, constant urge to clear your throat and a cough that is worse at night.

First, it is important to know that both mucus and phlegm are natural substances the body produces as a protective mechanism. To help moisturize and to serve as a protective barrier for our upper respiratory system. However, when these substances are produced in excess, that is an indicator that your immune system is going into overdrive to fight off an infection or foreign intruder to your respiratory tract. As a result, you can develop some of the uncomfortable symptoms mentioned above.


 For treating and managing this condition I would first recommend home remedies:

  •  Hydration: This is very important as this helps to thin mucus secretions which makes it easier for your body to expel the mucus. Add fresh ginger or thyme for additional benefits

  • Teas: Peppermint, Ginger, Green Tea

  • Eucalyptus essential oil: This essential oil has been well-known for its decongestant and antiseptic properties

  • Sea Salt: Salt water Gargle 3-4x per day helps thin mucous as well as a visit to your local salt room

  • Saline Rinse or Neti Pot:  This helps to moisten and cleanse your nasal passages thereby reducing the symptoms of post nasal drip. Neilmed products are a great and trusted option.


If home remedies are not providing the desired relief you desire, medications can be added to the mix as well. The most popular medications used include:

  •  Decongestants: Common over the counter decongestants would be Afrin. This is for SHORT TERM USE ONLY. Prolonged use can cause rebound adverse effects such as worsening congestion and inflammation of the nasal passages

  • Expectorants: A common medication in this class would be Mucinex. This thins mucus making it less sticky and easier to expel with coughing

  • Antihistamines: Common drugs in this class would be Claritin (Loratadine) and Zyrtec (Cetirizine). Inhalation options include Flonase and Xlear


Try these for additional support! All items can be purchased at a discounted rate via our Supplement Store

  • Mucostop by Enzymedica

  • Propolis Nasal Spray by Beekeepers Natural’s

  • D-Hist & D-Hist Jr by Orthomolecular

If you're experiencing persistent or bothersome symptoms, it's a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and additional treatment options.


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